Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dead Man Walking...

Okay…so I’m kind of over this being dead thing. I managed to sneak out of the morgue and make it back to my apartment, even though I got a lot of strange looks along the way. I guess smelling like rotting meat is one way to make heads turn, not exactly the way I wanted to go about it, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers right?

Anyway, I opened the door to my apartment expecting to be greeted by my loving yellow lab, Leo, only to find that when Leo came to the door, it was like he didn’t even recognize me. He started to growl like I was an intruder, and believe me Leo is no attack dog. I tried to calm Leo down by assuring him it was me, Bryan, but to no avail; that was until Leo got a whiff of my stench and went running for the bedroom. Just seems weird that Leo couldn’t recognize me, I mean I don’t look THAT different. He reacted like I was a complete stranger.

Would I classify myself as a zombie? I don’t know to be honest with you. I mean I never in my wildest imagination thought I would be referring to myself using the Z-word. If I am dead, which it most likely seems like I am, I’d prefer to refer to myself as the “walking dead,” sounds more pleasant than “zombie.” I can tell you this; I haven’t developed a hunger to eat brains or anything. Although I did do a little research and found out that the reason my muscles seem to be tightening up is because I’m suffering from rigor mortis, which is the stiffening of the muscle tissue within the first twenty-four hours of death. Man, this just keeps getting better and better…

Can I live a normal life like this? Any suggestions as to how I can blend in with the rest of society and go about my life…er…afterlife?


Anonymous said...

Sure you can. Hey, do Zombies get hungry?

Anonymous said...

I would suggest a suit and a brightly colored tie.

Anonymous said...


From what you describe, It seems like your body is getting worse as time goes on.

Rigor mortis sets in as muscle cells run out of the energy substance called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Even when a person is clinically dead, some cells within their tissues continue to survive for a while. After the circulation of blood ceases, surviving muscle cells resort to anaerobic glycolysis but eventually they become unable to make any more ATP.

You probably haven't developed any hunger urges because your body is no longer functioning like a living body would. You aren't pumping any blood into the heart, and because there is no blood flow, your bodies temperature will continue to drop.

How you are able to think and move is beyond what medical science can explain.

There is some good news and bad news though, Rigor mortis is only temporary. It appears during the first day after death and then slowly disappears.

However, the bad news is, it wears off because of the fact that the proteins in the muscles begin to decompose, meaning eventually you'll start to fall apart...

This will occur depending on your physique and how you died.

There really isn't much you can do from this point, eventually your body wont be capable of movement and you'll fall apart like a crash dummy. So living like a normal person is pretty much impossible... Sorry.

However, for the time that you're still here, until you are able to cross over, I'll try to give you my best advice.

Remember, there is peace and forgiveness in the light. You're better off in there then here where you'll only receive fear and judgement due to your current condition.

Anonymous said...

Do Zombies have reflections? I mean, have you checked yourself in a mirror yet? If you don't have a reflection, then you've got issues. Otherwise, I would carry something in your pocket that smells nice so it won't scare your dog so bacon.