Thursday, February 22, 2007

The World Through Zombie Eyes

So I guess by now I should be getting used to be being one of the walking dead right? Wrong! Let me just say this…I’m running out of duct tape! I need a more effective solution to my problem, any ideas?

My plan of staying out of society’s sight hit a major bump in the road when my sister came over to take Leo out for a walk. I was sitting on the couch when I heard the front door begin to unlock. I quickly ran and hid in the closet, R. Kelly style, just as my sister, Sarah, entered the apartment. She immediately commented about the smell, thanks Sis, asking, “It smells like something died in here Leo.” Normally I would give Sarah points for irony, but I was not at all amused. As Sarah was trying to figure out how the television turned on, Leo came over to my hiding spot and began scratching at the door of the closet. If I was still able to produce sweat, rest assured I would’ve been sweating bullets. My sister not thinking too much of it, assumed that Leo just really wanted to go outside and went ahead and took him for my walk. Luckily, she brought Leo back and left without spotting me.

Should I have said something to my sister? What do you think her reaction would’ve been? Scared? Would she be happy to know that I’m still kind of alive? What if whatever is possessing me tries to hurt her?

Some new developments that I have been noticing in my decaying state, is that my senses have all become depleted due to the neurons in brain not firing on all cylinders. I noticed it especially when I was watching television, when my brain couldn’t keep up with the quickly changing images on the screen, not to mention the fact that all the sounds I have been hearing seem to be in slow motion, The only way I can describe it is that it’s like my brain is a train coming to a complete stop, which makes me afraid of what happens to me when my brain comes to a complete stop.

I’m afraid that the end of this blog might not be too far off…so if you have any burning questions that you would like to ask a member of the walking dead, do it now, because I don’t know how much time I have left!

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